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Lorem ipsum eu usu assum liberavisse, ut munere praesent complectitur mea. Sit an option maiorum principes. Ne per probo magna idque, est veniam exerci appareat no. Sit at amet propriae intellegebat, natum iusto forensibus duo ut. Pro hinc aperiri fabulas ut, probo tractatos euripidis an vis, ignota oblique.

Ad ius munere soluta deterruisset, quot veri id vim, te vel bonorum ornatus persequeris. Maecenas ornare tortor. Donec sed tellus eget sapien fringilla nonummy. Mauris a ante. Suspendisse quam sem, consequat at, commodo vitae, feugiat in, nunc. Morbi imperdiet augue quis tellus.

Selasa, 24 April 2012

Cara Mengetahui Siapa Yang Mengcopy Artikel Anda

Setelah beberapa lama tidak sempat membuat postingan, akhirnya ada kesempatan juga untuk menuliskan sedikit informasi yang mungkin bermanfaat bagi anda yang mempunyai web/blog. Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya memberikan informasi bagaimana cara mengetahui siapa yang mengcopy artikel anda. Tulisan saya ini hanya bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi saja, tidak ada niat yang lain sedikitpun. Bagi anda yang pernah mengcopy paste artikel milik orang lain, jangan tersinggung ya...??? hehehe.

Langsung saja, berikut langkah-langkah yang harus anda lakukan :

1. Silahkan buka tab baru dengan alamat: http://www.copyscape.com/
2. Maka akan terbuka halaman seperti dibawah ini :

3. Masukkan alamat blog milik anda pada kotak yang tersedia, klik tombol "GO".
4. Silahkan tunggu sebentar, maka anda akan melihat web/blog mana yang telah mengcopy artikel anda.
5. Selesai.

Semoga bermanfaat...
Mumpung masih hidup didunia, mungkin tidak ada salahnya kita sedikit berbagi. Karena pada akhirnya ilmu yang kita miliki, pasti akan kita bawa mati. Mari kita jaga selalu rasa saling menghargai dan kekompakan antar sesama blogger...

Memaksimalkan SEO Dengan Dummy Blog

Optimasi SEO dengan dummy blog memang sangat diperlukan sekali dalam usaha kita mengangkat serp blog utama kita. Dummy blog menjadi bagian penting dalam SEO untuk memberi dan meningkatkan backlink blog utama yang menjadi target kata kunci yang kita bidik. Dengan dummy blog kita dapat mengatur sendiri kualitas backlink blog utama, tinggal bagaimana usaha kita dalam mengelola dummy blog itu sendiri. Dari sisi SEO hal cukup efektif sekali

Berikut hasbitcblog akan berbagi sedikit pengalaman mengenai SEO blog DUMMY

Memaksimalkan SEO Dengan Dummy Blog

Memaksimalkan SEO Dengan Dummy Blog

Memaksimalkan SEO Dengan Dummy Blog

Bagi blogger pemula yang lagi belajar bisnis online, banyak yang melupakan hal-hal kecil yang mempengaruhi kualitas dummy blog itu sendiri. Seperti apa hal-hal yang mempengaruhi kualitas dari dummy blog?

1. Kadangkala kita sering lupa dummy blog juga butuh backlink yang gizinya juga bagus. Bagaimana mungkin dummy blog akan memberi backlink yang bagus kalo kondisi dari dummy blog itu sendiri kurang sehat. Untuk memberi asupan link yang berkualitas kepada blog utama bangunlah backlink dummy blog itu sendiri agar kualitasnya lebih greng. Dengan mendaftarkan dummy blog ke web directory sebanyak-banyaknya adalah salah satunya. Hal itu perlu dilakukan agar dummy blog mendapat backlink yang bagus.

2. Ada baiknya dalam membuat dummy blog memiliki IP address yang berbeda dengan blog utama. Kalo blog utama kita buat dengan penyedia layanan blogspot, buatlah dummy blog di wordpress. Hal itu untuk menghindari anggapan spam oleh robot search engine. Membuat dummy blog di beda tempat dengan blog utama juga menjadi salah satu usaha teknik seo yang bagus. Misal blog utama kita buat di rumah, akan lebih baik blog dummies dibuat di kantor ataupun warnet yang beda lokasi dengan rumah kita.

3. Meng-update blog dummies secara berkala juga menjadi Optimasi SEO yang bagus untuk meningkatkan kualitas backlink dari blog dummies. Karena kita semua tahu search engine tentu akan mengabaikan blog yang tidak update/diurus walaupun itu cuma blog dummy. Karena itu juga akan menurunkan serp blog dummy itu sendiri.

Lakukan cara-cara tersebut dengan sabar. Memang dalam belajar bisnis online teknik seo kita harus sabar dan teliti tidak seperti blog ini yang selalu grusa-grusu. Kalo kita mau usaha ini yang gak bisa saya lakukan, abis gak terlalu banyak waktu pasti ada jalan. Semoga tips Optimasi SEO dengan dummy blog ini bisa membawa manfaat untuk semua yang lagi belajar.

Xcode "this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key pageControl."

Please someone help me! I've been at this all day. I've seen several different stackoverflow questions that got answered with this problem, but I've tried everything, and I just can't figure it out. Here is my whole project so I don't have to paste multiple files worth of code here. The problem is that when I try to run my app, Xcode gives me this error in the console. 2012-04-23 17:28:33.638

Routing error caused by nested routes in Rails 3 project

Here's my problem: I have a web app, in which USERS can create POSTS USER and POST are created simultaneously - I extract the USER's email from the post to create his user entry. (No password/login/registration etc required) In my ROUTES.RB file, I have POSTS nested with USERS (see attached) Now, here is my question: Where should the posts#new creation form be? Currently I have it at /posts

constructing and parsing network packet

I have the following packet format: 1B 4B 1B 1B string 2 bytes 1B string +------+----------+---+--------+---~~--+---------+--------+---~~---+ | type | lifetime | 2 | length | Name | Counter | length | Data | +------+----------+---+--------+---~~--+---------+--------+---~~---+ typedef struct pkt_data { u_char pkt_type; u_int lifetime; u_char type;

Line numbers and text files Java

I'm studying for my finals and i wondering if there is a particular way of printing out the data of a line in a text file. for example if i had the following in a text file: 11 1c20 203 G2 I was wondering if there is a way where I input for example 2 ,4 i would get an output 1c20 203 G2. by using two integers start and finish. i have research for this method, but unable to find anything.

In TFS, can I get a list of all the files touched by a user for a given date range?

In TFS, I want to see how many files I modified for a day/week/etc. Is this possible?

How to push existing source code to a repository in github?

I have a rails app hosted on heroku and i want to push the code to github(Aready created a repo on there).I tried to follow the steps in this question .Since i already have a local repository and currently can push and pull from heroku i skipped step 2 and 3 .But when i do step 4 git remote add origin git@github.com:sparkz19/stark-journey-1727.git It says fatal: remote origin already

extjs4 javascripts with rails

i have just started working with ext js 4...previously i was using ext js 3 & included following javascripts & css in xds_index.html..which javascripts & css am i supposed to include for extjs 4?? I cant view the UI components in browser :(

Working with spine tabs

I tried to work with spine tabs as documentation tell, but when calling navigate to a stack that render in another tab, spine doe's nothing about it. anybody knows why and if there's a fix?

passing arrays from the view to the controller cakephp

Here is a part of my view(a javascript method that is executed on a button click): function assign() { var links_list1 = []; var links1 = document.getElementById('moderatorUsers').getElementsByTagName('a'); for(var a in links1) { if(typeof links1[a] == undefined) continue; links_list1.push(links1[a].innerHTML);} var str1 =links_list1.toString(); var moderators =

How to connect to a 32-bit Access Database from 64-bit JVM?

So far, when I had to connect to an 32-bit Access Database, I simply executed the application using 32-bit JVM. However, I am now developing an application that requires 64-bit JVM, but I still need to connect to an 32-bit Access Database. When I am trying connect, I get this exception: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver

Capistrano deployment with common user

I'm trying to setup Capistrano to do our deployments, but I now stumbled upon what seems to be a common assumption of capistrano users: that the user you SSH to the remote host will have permission to write to the directory of deployment. Here, administrators are common users with a single distinction: they can sudo. At first, I thought that would be enough, since there are some configurations

Rail 3.2 with javascript

I am new in Rails 3.2. I do not know how I can use javascript with Rails 3.2. There are assets file in it and in assets file there is a file is called javascript. However, in this file, document names are controller_name.js.coffee. Thus, I need to help. How can I manage my javascript+jQuery code? Thanks.

Drawing rotated text with NSString drawInRect

I found this answer on how to draw rotated text with NSString drawInRect:, but I'm not sure how it works since it only sort of works for me: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/1779814?start=0&tstart=0 My code looks like: CGContextSaveGState(context); CGContextDrawLinearGradient(context, gradient, CGPointMake(0, centY - halfWidth), CGPointMake(0, centY + halfWidth), 0);

Java Linux 64 bit PermGen options?

Running $ java -version java version "1.7.0_03" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_03-b04) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 22.1-b02, mixed mode) While I already have -XX:MaxPermSize=256m, I'm still getting PermGen space failure. Are there some other command line options to use? Thanks

How to stop a service from a service

I am using location listerner in a service, and i have overriden onLocationChanged(Location) method. Now i want that whenever this method is called for the first time, i want to stop the service. So please tell me how to do it

Capture link a user clicks on a page

I am playing around with making an extension. If a user has the extension installed, I would like to capture the link they clicked on a web page. Not quite sure how to do this, but it seems simple. I might add, I would like this to happen as long as the plugin is installed and enabled, but DON'T want the user to have to do anything in the toolbar to 'activate' it. Not sure how to start. And I

Write a migration with reference to a model twice

I have a message model (Message) and this models as a userTo and userFrom, so two references to User. How can i write the migration? My user model is User. Thank you

store all the results of a loop in a single string

Storing the result of a string is in a so ** for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Rows.Count; ++i){ string pedido = dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString();** }

Do Static or Instance Methods Scale Better in .NET?

In .NET would there be issues to consider between a static method in a static class and an instance method in a regular class with respect to scalability? Is there going to be a "log jam" if many many calls are made to a static method in a class? Or is that not an issue. If so, would it be better to use an instance method? Something like a method like GetCustomers() that is called to retrieve

Is an article from Sun in 2003 still relevant?

Is the following article from Sun's website from 2003 and the code from it http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/JavaLP/JavaToMac/ still relevant today? In other words, will it still work? Thanks!

login on codeigniter

Hi how can i use session in codeigniter here's my code function loginUser(){ $this->load->library('form_validation'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('username','Username','required','callback_checkUserAndPass'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('password','Password','required','callback_checkUserAndPass'); if($this->form_validation->run()== FALSE){

Export SQL table into a fixed length format

I currently have data in my tables that are formatted like: County Office First Name Last Name 01 01 John Smith 99 01 Jane Cole I need to export it into a fixed length text file using SQL. Output should look like this: 0101JohnSmith 9901JaneCole Does anyone know how to do this?

Jquery to get SelectedText from dropdown

I am trying to get the selected Text from the dropdownlist using Jquery.
@Html.DropDownList("SelectedCountryId", Model.CountryList, "(Select one Country)")
.Given below is the Jquery that I am using .But this is not working . I tried var selectedText1 = $("#SelectedCountryId").val($(this).find(":selected").text()); and is returning [object object] .But how

Java Generics Silly Thing (Why cant I infer the type?)

I,m assessing using Generics for a behavior. I managed to get it work but I don,t understand why cant I infer the type from the arg. So I created this example which runs ok without warnings with the purpose of simplifying the actual architecture. Suppose I got these two classes. The target one: package Zoo; import Zoo.Main.CageFamily; import Zoo.Main.Vertebrate; public class ZooCage

LdrpResolveDllName - call to RtlDosSearchPath_U failed

I am using CDB - Windows Console Debugger - with Loader Snaps Enabled (by using gflags). I am getting the following, LdrpResolveDllName - call to RtlDosSearchPath_U failed when one of the dlls are loaded. What does it mean?

JAVA printwriter increase buffer size from 8192 bytes

I'm trying to create a file that maps every possible binary combination of some part of speech tags, and for some reason the java program I've written just stops after 8192 bytes. I assume that this is the maximum buffer size or something? How can I change that? My code: try { Scanner in = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(file.getPath())); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(

Adding Event Handler in ASP.NET

How to add event handler to image button in ASP.NET ? IS it possible to add event handler just like we do in WPF ? Help please .

Jumat, 20 April 2012

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern – Review

Somewhere around six months ago I wrote a blog post about The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. The book was getting a lot of attention and critical acclaim, and I wondered whether the attention was warranted, or was clever marketing. I didn’t think I would like a book about a circus, even if it was aimed at adults. Well, six months later, I have finally gotten off my rear end and read it,

Poem of the week: Someone in a Riot of Stones by Han Dong

The stones in this poem are magnetically attractive. As figures behave in ways that mirror the stones we are invited to make our own interpretationPosters to poem of the week have recently suggested that more Chinese poetry should be featured. Poets of the T'ang Dynasty were a popular choice, and are on hold for the future. In the meantime, this week's poem, chosen by Guardian writer Lindesay

Poem of the week: Someone in a Riot of Stones by Han Dong

The stones in this poem are magnetically attractive. As figures behave in ways that mirror the stones we are invited to make our own interpretationPosters to poem of the week have recently suggested that more Chinese poetry should be featured. Poets of the T'ang Dynasty were a popular choice, and are on hold for the future. In the meantime, this week's poem, chosen by Guardian writer Lindesay

Pulitzer People Skip Fiction Prize

For the first time since 1977, the Pulitzer Prize judges have neglected to award a prize in the fiction category. The The three titles that made the finals were a novella by Denis Johnson, Swamplandia! , a family drama by Karen Russell and The Pale King, the posthumously-completed novel by David Foster Wallace. While the judges declined to explain the decision to not award a fiction winner,

Can you guess your favourite novel from these sounds?

Now that the ebook of Andrew Motion's sequel to Treasure Island is to benefit from sound effects, can you identify these four novels rendered in sound?

Can you guess your favourite novel from these sounds?

Now that the ebook of Andrew Motion's sequel to Treasure Island is to benefit from sound effects, can you identify these four novels rendered in sound?

Chinese childrens and picture book illustrators

Gallery: The first exhibition in Britain of Chinese children's and picture book illustration features award-winning artists little known in the UK

Orange prize 2012: Cynthia Ozick installed as favourite to win

Author celebrating her 84th birthday joins previous winner Ann Patchett and Booker winner Anne Enright on six-strong shortlistCynthia Ozick celebrated her 84th birthday on Tuesday and news that her seventh novel, Foreign Bodies, has been shortlisted for the 17th Orange prize for excellence in fiction written by women.She admitted, however, that she would rather people did not dwell on the former.

Chinese childrens and picture book illustrators

Gallery: The first exhibition in Britain of Chinese children's and picture book illustration features award-winning artists little known in the UK

Orange prize 2012: Cynthia Ozick installed as favourite to win

Author celebrating her 84th birthday joins previous winner Ann Patchett and Booker winner Anne Enright on six-strong shortlistCynthia Ozick celebrated her 84th birthday on Tuesday and news that her seventh novel, Foreign Bodies, has been shortlisted for the 17th Orange prize for excellence in fiction written by women.She admitted, however, that she would rather people did not dwell on the former.

Little Golden Books with a Long Golden History

Generations of North American readers were brought up with . As of 2002, over two billion Little Golden Books have been printed. More than 14 million copies of The Poky Little Puppy alone have been sold since the series began in 1942. Various formats of Little Golden Books have been created including, games, toys, videos, miniature books, and records. There is no denying the incredible impact

Book Cover Design Challenges in a Changing Landscape

I found this article in The Atlantic fascinating. Various people in the book publishing industry, from marketing experts, to traditional designers to the publishers themselves, weigh in on the increasing challenges and rapidly changing demands for books – where does the idea of a cover and cover design fit in when many books are now files as opposed to physical objects? What about

Featured book of the day: La Sainte Bible Du Chanoine Crampon

I was surprised to see this book was only $736. A very good copy of a French Bible in a scarce and valuable binding – ornate silver covers with central gold colored cross, embossed images of the 12 apostles and malachite inlaid gems to each corner. Embossed image of Jesus on the spine, and embossed pattern and cross on the rear cover as well. Gilt-edged pages. Clean text throughout with 88

Gadgets amp Gizmos - May 2012

Gadgets & Gizmos - May 2012English | PDF | 84 pages | 32.7 MbFrom the Internet to the iPod, from cell phones to laptops, technology rules the lives of urban Indians. Gadgets and Gizmos, a monthly magazine, cuts through the techno-babble by simplifying complicated technology.

Ici Paris 3485 - 18 au 24 Avril 2012

Ici Paris 3485 - 18 au 24 Avril 2012French | 52 pages | PDF | 56 MB

Pulitzer should take a leaf out of the Orange prizes book

A rickety shortlist doomed Pulitzer judges' attempts to award a fiction prize this year – they should see how the Orange prize does itThe news that this year's Pulitzer prize, one of the premier US literary trophies, now in its 96th year, decided not to award a prize in the category of fiction (or, indeed, in editorial writing) was coolly described by the New York Times as notable.However, in

Pulitzer should take a leaf out of the Orange prizes book

A rickety shortlist doomed Pulitzer judges' attempts to award a fiction prize this year – they should see how the Orange prize does itThe news that this year's Pulitzer prize, one of the premier US literary trophies, now in its 96th year, decided not to award a prize in the category of fiction (or, indeed, in editorial writing) was coolly described by the New York Times as notable.However, in

Putins ruthless Russia

Edward Lucas, the international editor of the Economist and author of a new book about Russia, gives an excoriating critique of Putinism and explains how Russia's amoral present is rooted in a failure to come to terms with its past.Wherever you turn – from contemporary literature to media reporting – there seems to be an unremittingly negative portrayal of modern Russia as corrupt, undemocratic

Jonathan Lethems “perfect” album

In essay collections like The Disappointment Artist and last year's acclaimed best-selling novelist Jonathan Lethem brought his sharp critical lens and personal passion to bear on Marvel Comics, Roberto Bolaño, Bob Dylan and the John Carpenter movie They Live. Add to that diverse list of cultural artifacts the Talking Heads album Fear of Music, the subject of Lethem's latest book, and published

Revealers of the universe

Dava Sobel, the biographer of Copernicus and Galileo, tells us about the men whose painstaking work changed our understanding of Earth's place in the universe.Our theme today is the early history of astronomy. Could you tell us what century we are talking about here and what were the commonly held beliefs at the time?We begin in the mid-16th century and go to the early 17th century. This was a

Get MySql Backup Data in Java

I created a Java Application be Use of Mysql and Hibernate. how to get Backup Mysql Datas with java and hibernate?

How can I have 2 leftBarButtonItems in iPhone app, and 1 be the default back button?

I would like 2 leftBarButtonItems, but leave one of the items as the default back button for Navigation Controllers. I have set up: self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItems = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:archives, ???, nil]; where archives is a UIBarButtonItem I created, but do not know what the default back button is to include in the array. Any suggestions?

multithreading (openMP) - how many parallel threads

I wonder whether more than 8 threads can run concurrently on a hardware with 8 cores. If so, using openMP to parallelize N calculations, I could create chunks of size, say, N/8, and in each thread further fork into (N/8)/8 threads, and maybe still more? How do things happen when I nested parallelize? do I still have 8 available threads for the nested parallel? Thanks!!

placing labels dynamically

In my .mxml file, I am populating two side by side Labels with text data from a database. Like this: Sometimes, I will get a particularly long piece of text data and this will cause the 2 labels to overlap each other and become totally unreadable. I think this is

Javacript-Create HTML

Hello how would I create this in Javascript?: You have ${const['COMMENT_MAX_LENGTH']} characters left.
add it above this: cell = theRow.cells[idx]; while( cell.childNodes.length > 0 ) { cell.removeChild(cell.childNodes[0]); ADD HERE--->>>>> element = document.createElement("textarea"); element.id="comments-"+id;

MySQL and Dynamic Query Error 1064

Does anyone know why I keep getting this error below? I can't seem to shake it. call test_delete('WOW@GMAIL.COM', '''2c016cd6-87e6-11e1-9fac-001cd4565d26''', 0) Error Code: 1064. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'UPDATE user u SET u.enable = ? WHERE u.'

what's the reason the PNG image need to be crushed?

I noticed that some article talking about crushed PNG images and how to uncrush them. What's the purpose of crush the images in the first hand? And also can the crushed images still be loaded using [UIImage imageWithName:]?

How to calculate descender height in javascript?

My css has defined the font-family to cascade depending on what fonts are available: .myfont { text-transform: uppercase; font-family: Calibri, Arial, sans-serif; padding: 2em; background-color: red; } and, depending on what font is rendered, I would like to adjust the padding to appropriately center the all-caps text in the beautiful red background. Is

Positioning .NET Controls

I want my label "The Top Row" to be positioned near the top row of my gridview as I indicated with yellow below, I tried absolute positioning the lable but when displayed, there are problems with it. What is the best way to do this ? (float right is working like allign left which is not useful and I have tried display block but couldn't find a way with it too) This is such a basic issue but

Image Crop X,Y Dosn't work why?

private System.Drawing.Image CropImage(System.Drawing.Image img, Rectangle cropRect) { return CropBitmap(new Bitmap(img), cropRect.X,cropRect.Y, cropRect.Width, cropRect.Height); } public Bitmap CropBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int cropX, int cropY, int cropWidth, int cropHeight) { var rect = new Rectangle(100, 100, cropWidth, cropHeight); var cropped = bitmap.Clone(rect, bitmap.PixelFormat)

How to search YouTube videos only using the title

I have only a YouTube video title. I want to use the title to search videos. How do it? This is my code: $feedURL = 'http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/-/Roadies 8 - Shameless saharanpur guy /'; This is not searching. Why?

pass parameters into a url after executing a SQL Query

I recently asked a questtion on how o write a query and thankfully you guys answered me (Thank you) My Last Question Im working on a WML site so I need to pass the values from the query I found a way to do so (shown below in code) , but It didnt work. <% //this Query was provided earlier in the previous question. string queryString = "select st.firstname + ' ' + st.lastname,

using the fb graph api, image upload to an album from android app

I have seen in this postthat if you want to create a new album and post an image in it, then the .php code is:

XSLT: Parent stylesheet imports child stylesheet, but child cannot see parent's variable

I have a parent stylesheet defined as such: rf ` The imported stylesheet WebappTransform.xsl contains some inline CSS includes within

How to read last night errors or warning logs from SQL Server?

We had an issue last night our sql server databases. How to read those logs from SQL Server database? Will those errors available in Database transaction log file? Please point me to find out the issue?

Adding Verbosity to a Program

This is a very n00b question but I'm writing a nix based tool and would like to have verbosity flags, based on the number of vvv's passed in I would go about printing debug/information statements in my program. My question is how would I go about using opargs for this, since optargs can only parse one character at a time. Also suppose I know I'm at verbosity level 3, do all my print

Why are these snippets of code are risky? (SQL Injection)

1. ' union select 1, 'users (user, password) values (\'haxor\', \'1337\') #', 2 # 2. ' union select 1, 'modules (plugin) values (\'if (isset($_GET[\\\'cmd\\\'])) {passthru($_GET[\\\'cmd\\\']);}\') #', 2 # what those code snippets do? how can I prevent them in my php file? what is 1337? and why there are a lot of \ ?

Update SQL Server table based on new value in jQuery sortable list

Good people, I hope somebody out there can advise me how to solve this particular issue. I am making a e-newsletter content builder. The idea is that an editor can piece together different articles featuring combinations of text and image to create stories into one specific edition. The tool which pieces together the different articles allows the editor to re-order the articles to the editor's

Input paremeter for Uri.TryCreate, Whats wrong?

We have few downloaded HTML pages, with broken links (relative paths), and we have the original URL each page was downloaded from. We are converting all relative links to Absolute links using - Foreach (anchorElement in page) - Uri.TryCreate( originalPageURI, hrefRelativeURI, hrefAbsoluteURI ) This works for most of the cases except for the following case - originalPageURI =

Apache Commons Mail Erroring on Server Contact

I have a Java app that sends email via Apache Commons Email. The app works just find on my development environment, but when I deploy it to the server, I'm getting an error that Commons couldn't connect to the email server. org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException: Sending the email to the following failed : :587 ...Error authenticating with server. Just to be sure this wasn't

Kamis, 19 April 2012

Java Timer Issues Possibly Involving Storing them in lists

So I will try to discuss the specifics of my program as generally as possible while still getting the general point across. I have two objects of importance, the JobManager, and JobWorkers. A JobWorker has a task it is supposed to execute at fixed intervals until it is completed. I will ignore what happens when the job is completed, because they are never starting. I see the JobManager's timer is

python width syntax error

I am running Ubuntu with python 2.7.2. script python \ /home/blainer/Desktop/convert/converter.py \ /home/blainer/Desktop/convert/urban.shp \ /home/blainer/Desktop/convert/result.js \ --width 900 \ --country_name_index 4 \ --where "ISO = 'USA'" \ --codes_file /home/blainer/Desktop/convert/codes-en.tsv \ --insets '[{"codes": ["US-AK"], "width": 200, "left": 10, "top": 370}, {"codes": ["US-HI"],

Is this Robots.txt file correct?

I have been getting a lot of CPU spikes recently on my server and somehow I believe it's not the real traffic or some part of it isn't real. So I want to only allow Google bots, MSN and Yahoo for now. Please guide me if the following robots.txt file is correct for my requirement. User-agent: Googlebot User-agent: Slurp User-agent: msnbot User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* User-agent:

XML Validation vs Java validation

I'm using hibernate validation and am debating which would be a better form of validation for legacy Pojos. Hibernate allows for validation through XML http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/validator/4.2/reference/en-US/html/validator-xmlconfiguration.html The new ones can be annotated with constraints which is easier to read. However, for older / generated code that cannot be annotated, putting it in

MySQL : Limiting result in joined table

I have two tables : tableA(idA,titleA) and tableB(idA,idB,textB) with a one to many relationship between them. For each row in tableA, I want to retrieve the last 5 rows corresponding in tableB. I've try SELECT * FROM tableA INNER JOIN tableB ON tableA.idA = tableB.idA LIMIT 5 but it's just limiting the global result of INNER JOIN whereas I want to limit the result for each different

need sql query for the below senario

table contains : c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 da1 Null Null db1 dc1 da1 dx1 Null db1 dc1 da1 Null dy1 db1 Null all are varchar fields. i need a query which results data without any nulls and in a single row "da1 dx1 dy1 db1 dc1" thanks in advance for the help !!

Magento Product Creation error...SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry?

In Magento's Product creation code, I add my own custom code in /htdocs/magento/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/controllers/Catalog/ProductController.php I have make external mysql connection & use that for inserting product id & sku in custom table.(I know this is not recommended way but just for testing purpose I am doing this.) My code-: public function saveAction() { $storeId

Heat map or density map in R

I am new to R and trying to create a heat map or density map to show my results. I have x data for 20 different locations and for 20 years. I am trying to show differences in locations as well as in years in the same map. my data looks like this. 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 Dallas 25 28 27 29 31 33 35 37 Houston 33 38 43 48 53 58 63 68 Lubbock

What is the purpose of DOCTYPE header at the start of an XSD

I have found that the xmldsig-core-schema.xsd file that I was using in my application has a header that caused HTTP request to w3.org during marshaller instantiation, I removed this header and now I'm wondering if it can have any effect in the validation of XML documents. I'm familiar with the use of DOCTYPES on HTML or XML documents, but what is the purpose of it on an XSD file? The xsd is

Deleting a node in the linklist

Here is my code to delete all the nodes having the value passed in the argument. typedef struct nodetype { int data; struct nodetype * next; } node; typedef node * list; void Linklist::deleteNode(list * head, int value) { list current = *head; list previous = *head; while(current != NULL) { if(current->data != value) { previous = current;

AsyncTask Crashing App

Code was deleted due to privacy concerns.

Authenticate with sudo on a crontab job

I have a call to a python script that is sudo -u user_name python python_scipt.py and I need to schedule it to run every 30 minutes with crontab. The problem is how can I authenticate it with sudo on crontab?

Why does PHP 5.3.10 (fcgi) choke on this line? [closed]

Why does PHP 5.3.10 (fcgi) choke on this line? ".$tmp2?> Thanks in advance

Using IQueryable Filtering on a custom collection

I am trying to use LINQ to replace the following code.. public List GetEULineItems(PurchaseOrder p) { List EULineItems = new List(); foreach (LineItem li in p.OrderForms[0].LineItems) { if (li[Constants.ProductSource] != null) { if (li[Constants.ProductSource].ToString().Trim()

Connecting to a web service with SilverLight

I have been looking online for a simple way to call a web service through silverlight application and cant decide how to do it. What would be the simplest way to connect to this website: http://wsf.cdyne.com/WeatherWS/Weather.asmx and return an xml with the specified zip code (I have this done using AJAX already i just want to try and get it working using silverlight as an alternative). Any help

Make multiple NSURLConnections and using sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler: iOS 5 method

I have some difficulties to set up the correct configuration relative to sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler: method (NSURLConnection class). My scenario is the following: I set up a singleton class that manages different NSURLConnections. This singleton istance has a NSOperation Queue (called downloadQueue) that makes a request to a web server and retrieves a string path (1). Once

Cannot create new database diagram in SQL Server 2008

I'm using SQL Server Management Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008. Currently, I cannot create new database diagram from the SSMS 2008 on an SQL Server 2008 instance. Has anyone ever experienced this ? The problem started after I tried to install Visual Studio 11 Beta, and apparently the Beta also installs SQL Server 2012 RC0. Now I have uninstalled the Visual Studio 11 Beta and the SQL Server 2012

Fluent NHibernate - How do I create a one to many mapping which has a bridge table in the middle?

How do I create a one to many mapping which has a bridge table in the middle? I basically have 3 tables: Items, Tags, and TagsToItems. Each Item can have many Tags as defined by the TagsToItems table. How do I set up this mapping correctly using Fluent NHibernate? I've been playing with HasMany but haven't quite figured out how this works with a bridge table. HasMany(x => x.Tags).Table("

Getting string within <i> Tag, Selenium IDE

Trying to get the content of a specific Tag on a page so I can compare it to another value, doesn't work however: var a1 = ""; var dingdong = selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementsByClassName("selected ")[3]; a1 = dingdong.firstChild.value; In which dingdong is an tag which has the tag in it. Another approach I tried was this: var dingdong =

Adding words to a 2-d array

I am doing a Java Wordsearch project for college and I am stuck at a certain part. I am not sure how to add words from a list of strings (input by the user) randomly to the grid. The size of the grid is dynamic; it is based on the the number of words being input by the user, using the following code I've put together: import java.io.* ; import java.util.ArrayList ; public class WordSearchPuzzle

Software Product Line: Advanced Topic

The Software Product Line (SPL) is an emerging methodology for developing software products. There are two hot issues in the SPL: modelling and the analysis of the SPL. Variability modelling techniques have been developed to assist engineers ...

Zumba Fitness 4 DVD Set

eBooks Statistics : 1 Post || 16 Views Post by andres1707

Zumba Fitness - Latin Workout Routine

eBooks Statistics : 1 Post || 9 Views Post by andres1707

Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System - Complete

eBooks Statistics : 1 Post || 9 Views Post by andres1707

SQL Dialects Reference

This book is a compact comparative reference for several SQL language dialects. It lists particular common tasks and problems resolved in terms of several SQL server implementations. When possible, it tries to emphasize an universal solution.


These notes form an introductory account of C*-algebras. Some results on more general commutative Banach algebras, whose proofs require little extra effort, are included. There are accounts of two applications of the commutative theory ...

Rockets and People, Volume 1

Volume 1 of the memoirs of academician Boris Chertok, translated from the original Russian. Describes his early years as an engineer and ends with the mission to Germany after the end of WWII when the Soviets captured Nazi missile technology.

Mobile Developers Guide To The Galaxy

This non-commercial brochure provides an overview on different mobile technologies and platforms. Almost 20 writers contributed their know-how and outline their views on the pros and cons of different operation systems and development approaches.

Men in War

An Austrian officer pictures war as a sickening horror and an exploitation of the poor. Its sordidness being entirely unrelieved by any ideal of patriotism, it may tend to leave an impression of the utter unjustifiability of either side of the war.

Maximizing the Impacts of Your Research: A Handbook for Social Scientists

This Handbook opens the door to researchers achieving a more focused approach to their research. It provides sound advice and guidance on how to ensure that your work achieves its maximum visibility with both academic and external audiences.

Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte

This incredible set begins with Napoleon's birth in Corsica in 1769 and ends with his entombment in the Invalides in Paris in 1840. These four volumes include chronologies, text, letters, and many many insights, both personal and professional.

Nonlinear Programming

Introduction to the fundamentals of nonlinear optimization theory and methods. Topics include unconstrained and constrained optimization, linear and quadratic programming, Lagrange and conic duality theory, interior-point algorithms and theory, etc.

Project Silk: Client-side Web Development for Modern Browsers

'Project Silk' provides guidance for building cross-browser web applications that are characterized by rich graphics, interactivity, and a responsive user interface, resulting in an immersive and engaging user experience.

P90X-P90X+ Complete Documents

eBooks Statistics : 1 Post || 17 Views Post by andres1707

Tony Hortons Power 90 Series Includes P90, P90M, P90X, P90X+

eBooks Statistics : 1 Post || 17 Views Post by andres1707

Selasa, 17 April 2012

Epson L100 and L200 Service Manual

Epson L100 and Epson L200 Service Manual

     This manual, consists of the following chapters, is intended for repair service personnel and includes information necessary for properly performing maintenance and servicing the product.

Describes the disassembly/reassembly procedures for main parts/units of the product, and provides the
standard operation time for servicing the product.

Describes the required adjustments for servicing the product.

Describes maintenance items and procedures for servicing the product.

Provides the following additional information for reference:
• Power-On Sequence
• Connector Summary
• Troubleshooting

Senin, 16 April 2012

Xcode: data from one view to another

I'm making a iPhone app but i got a problem if i got: Int point = 1; in the main view, how can i move the "point" data to another view controller?

Rejected App, Watchdog timer or missing entitlement

So I have an app that has twice been rejected from the app store and I really could use some help! It has been rejected for the Watchdog timer forcing it to quit when it is first opened. However I have not been able to reproduce this on any of my devices. It does take a long time to build to a device when using xcode (i know that when built from xcode the watchdog is disconnected). But I have a

List Item is not clickable in Android

I have a Custom ListView, in the List there is 3 ImageView and 4 Textview . I can not tap on the List Items and I am able to tap on the blank spcae. So what to do to tap on the List item and the onClick Listener should work ?

How to Zoom and Pan SWF file in Flex

I need to pan and zoom swf file . I have work with adobe's zoom component. But it work only with images. My requirement is zoom the specified area of swf and set centrally when I drag and drop a rectangle to the swf file. Have any open source api available for doing this. or please give any useful information. Thanks.

Check XMM register for all zeroes

Is there a way to check if all bits/bytes/words etc. in a __m128i variable are 0? In my app I have to check if all integers packed in a in a __m128i variable are zeroes. Will I have to extract them and compare each separately?

How do I implement a generic interface without a constraint to call a specific implementation of a generic function that does require a constraint?

Specifically, I am using MassTransit, but I want to abstract away the specific implementation, so I cannot have a reference to IConsumer (which is in the MassTransit namespace) in my interface, therefore cannot add it as a generic constraint. My implemented function in this case is "Subscribe", but I need to somehow call "Bus.SubscribeConsumer". Any ideas? public UnsubscribeAction Subscribe<

SQL join on two tables that are not related or have primary keys

I have the following query:- select dbo.table1.service, dbo.table1.level_3_structure, Sum(table1.Reduced) as Total_Reduced from dbo.table1 where dbo.table1.Period = 'Cumulative' Group by dbo.table1.service, dbo.table1.level_3_structure Which results in something similar to this:- service level_3_structure Total_Reduced Service 1 Structure1 11.76 Service 2

Azure endpoints - different deployments

Currently we run a UI web role and a web service web role(WCF REST) on Azure. Each role contains 2 instances (for load balancing and meeting the SLA reqs.) The UI Web role and web service web role are within the same subscription but in different deployments. We do not want to merge the code bases (maintainability etc etc). So the UI layer is on xyz.cloudapp.net and the Web Service layer is on

Stochastic Processes for Finance

This book is an extension of "Probability for Finance" to multi-period financial models, either in the discrete or continuous-time framework. It describes the most important stochastic processes used in finance in a pedagogical way, especially Markov chains, Brownian motion and martingales. It also shows how mathematical tools like filtrations, Itô's lemma or Girsanov theorem should be understood


Readers learn that their happiness and success in life flow from becoming clear about who they are and establishing an authentic identity. Here, Graham introduces his patented 9 Step Plan for Success, bringing this process to life through the stories of individuals who''ve resolved their questions of identity.Our price: $14.30 Buy it now for $14.30 (List Price: $22.99) Shipping: $3.35

Fifty Shades Darker (Fifty Shades Trilogy Book Two)

Daunted by the singular sexual tastes and dark secrets of the beautiful, tormented young entrepreneur Christian Grey, Anastasia Steele has broken off their relationship to start a new career with a Seattle publishing house. But desire for Christian still dominates her every waking thought, and when he proposes a new arrangement, Anastasia cannot resist. They rekindle their searing sensual affair,

Mrs. Kennedy and Me: An Intimate Memoir

HE CALLED HER MRS. KENNEDY. SHE CALLED HIM MR. HILL. For four years, from the election of John Fitzgerald Kennedy in November 1960 until after the election of Lyndon Johnson in 1964, Clint Hill was the Secret Service agent assigned to guard the glamorous and intensely private Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy. During those four years, he went from being a reluctant guardian to a fiercely loyal

Do Yourself a Favor... Forgive

Our price: $12.43 Buy it now for $12.43 (List Price: $19.99) Shipping: $3.35 Category: Christian Life / General (T14056)

Good to Great

The coauthor of the bestselling Built to Last now presents a blueprint for transforming good companies into great ones. Charts & graphs throughout.From the Publisher: Built to Last, the defining management study of the nineties, showed how great companies triumph over time and how longterm sustained performance can be engineered into the DNA of an enterprise from the very beginning.But what

The Help

In Jackson, Mississippi, in 1962, there are lines that are not crossed. With the civil rights movement exploding all around them, three women start a movement of their own, forever changing a town and the way women--black and white, mothers and daughters--view one another.Our price: $8.80 Buy it now for $8.80 (List Price: $16.00) Shipping: $3.35 Category: Historical (T12152)

Steve Jobs

FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE BESTSELLING BIOGRAPHIES OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN AND ALBERT EINSTEIN, THIS IS THE EXCLUSIVE BIOGRAPHY OF STEVE JOBS. Based on more than forty interviews with Jobs conducted over two years—as well as interviews with more than a hundred family members, friends, adversaries, competitors, and colleagues—Walter Isaacson has written a riveting story of the roller-coaster life and

Kevin Trudeaus Free Money quotTheyquot Dont Want You to Know About

"New York Times"-bestselling author Trudeau offers a one-stop source for billions of dollars that are ready, available, and waiting to be claimed. Hundreds of pages of easy-to-read and easy-to-follow steps will tell readers exactly what to do to find their share of this "free" money.Our price: $10.66 Buy it now for $10.66 (List Price: $15.99) Shipping: $3.75 Category: Personal

Catching Fire

Katniss Everdeen has won the annual Hunger Games with Peeta Mellark. But it had been a victory won by defiance of the Capitol and their harsh rules. Katniss and Peeta should be happy. But there are rumors of rebellion among the subjects, and Katniss and Peeta, to their horror, are the faces of that rebellion.Our price: $11.19 Buy it now for $11.19 (List Price: $17.99) Shipping: $3.35 Category

Lord of the Flies

The classic tale of a group of English school boys who are left stranded on an unpopulated island, and who must confront not only the defects of their society but the defects of their own natures.Our price: $8.97 Buy it now for $8.97 (List Price: $9.99) Shipping: FREE Category: Classics (T12134)

Interest Rates in Financial Analysis and Valuation

This book provides a compendium of selected important topics covered in any finance course. The main subject on time value of money and its computational application are explained and demonstrated. This follows other subjects as cost of capital, capital budgeting and securities valuation that used time value factor in their computational analysis.

Energy supply in the earlier industrial era

This book commences discussion at the industrial revolution and attempts to unfold the chronology of energy supply between then and the First World War. Coal features throughout the book and there is also detailed coverage of the early years of the oil industry. Political and social factors and the interplay of those with fuel demand are emphasised.

Thermal Processing of Waste

Thermal Processing of Waste is one of the great eBooks available to from our website. There are more than 500 Textbooks, Business Books & Travel Guides in our book collection.

Biomass Properties and Fire Prediction Tools

This review presents literature involving characteristics and fire behaviour prediction models for pine species. The first part analyzes experimental data for pine needles characteristics, and laboratory results for vegetation layer fire behaviour. The second part gives consideration to models used to predict surface fire behaviour. Also presented are approaches employed in describing the heating

Introduction to Wastewater Treatment

This book provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts and equations that underlie the engineering processes in wastewater treatment. Topics include preliminary treatment, sedimentation, biological treatment, nutrient removal, disinfection, and sludge treatment. Also discussed are wastewater management issues in developing countries and emerging concerns and trends in wastewater treatment

Drilling Fluid Engineering

This book presents how to apply fluid mechanics on drilling fluid related challenges and explains the related physics involved and the different engineering approaches. Mud has many functions, the single most important one is to remove the cuttings a) away from under the bit and b) transport them from the bottom to the surface. Viscosity of drilling fluids is not a constant parameter it varies

Minerals and Rocks

This book is intended for first year students of geology. The physical properties of minerals are described after a brief introduction presenting the rock cycle, followed by some relevant aspects of crystallography. Rock-forming minerals are then treated systematically, concentrating first on silicates followed by the most important non-silicate minerals. The three main groups of rocks are then

Corporate Finance

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the most important topics covered in a corporate finance course. Subjects as Value and Opportunity Cost of Capital, Budgeting, Market efficiency and Options are explained. The compendium is designed such that it mimics the structure of a typical corporate finance course. Throughout the compendium theory is supplemented with examples and

Probability for Finance

This book is a technical support for students in finance. It reviews the main probabilistic tools used in financial models in a pedagogical way, starting from simplke concepts like random variables and tribes and going to more sophiticated ones like conditional expectations and limit theorems. Many illustrations are given, taken from the financial literature. The book is also a prerequisite for "

Minggu, 15 April 2012

Devi dan wenda keluar, cherry belle cari personil baru

cherry belle Kebanyakan remaja indonesia mengenal cherry belle, Penggemar cherry pun sangat banyak. Anda remaja putri? punya bakat menari dan bernyanyi? ingin menjadi anggota cherry belle? Ini saatnya bagi anda menunjukan kemampuan anda. Cherry belle membuka pendaftaran personil baru, setelah wenda dan devi keluar, Devi dan wenda keluar cherry belle, membuka pendaftaran personil baru, Wenda dan devi resmi keluar dari cherry belle. Perbedaan visi dan misi diantara personil akhirnya membuat perpecahan ditubuh cherry belle, Devi dan wenda keluar, cherry belle cari personil baru

Foto dan Biodata lengkap personil Cherry Belle Terbaru

Foto dan Biodata lengkap personil Cherry Belle Terbaru

Foto dan Biodata lengkap personil Cherry Belle Terbaru

Padahal baru saja mereka merilis film bertajuk "love is you" yang menceritakan kisah persahabatan mereka. Menurut dino produser chibi, saat mengkonfirmasi pecahnya cherry belle di lantai 8, sctv tower senayan city (12/4), menyatakan devi dan wenda keluar secara baik-baik. Wenda dan Devi dirasa sudah terlalu dewasa untuk girls band dengan konsep remaja seperti cherry belle.

Cherry belle bekerjasama dengan SCTV mengadakan audisi untuk mengisi kekosongan sehabis ditinggal devi dan wenda. Pendaftaran tersebut di khusukan untuk putri remaja berusia 17-21 tahun, pandai menari dan bernyanyi. Audisi direncanakan akan digelar di Jakarta tanggal 28 - 29 april mendatang. Dino mengatakan Audisi diadakan dengan harapan dapat memperoleh personil baru dengan skill dan semangat baru hingga cherry belle bisa lebih baik dan lebih solid.
Foto dan Biodata lengkap personil ChiBi, Cherry Belle Foto Personil Cherry Belle Terbaru Biodata dan Profil Wenda dan Devi Resmi Keluar Dari Cherry Belle ~ Kawulo NyantriK Foto Personil Cherry Belle Terbaru Cherry Belle Bubar Cherry Belle Girlband Indonesia

Refensi : arie-triyadi.blogspot.com

5 Cara Tampil Fresh Walau Belum Mandi

Tampil segar Walau Belum Mandi telat beranjak dari pulau kapuk atau ranjang anda dan tidak sempat menempatkan diri untuk mandi sebelum berangkat ke tempat kerja tidak perlu khawatir, dengan sejumlah tips dan trik hasbihtcblog berikut beberapa cara agar tetap fresh hendakbya anda melakukan tips seperti melakukan Turban head band, Dry shampoo, Eye cream, Anda bisa tetap tampil fresh dan percaya diri disaat anda beraktifitas full time untuk lebih jelasnya

Lansung saja silahkan baca 5 Cara Tampil Fresh Walau Belum Mandi

Tampil Fresh Walau Belum Mandi

Tampil Fresh Walau Belum Mandi

Tampil Fresh Walau Belum Mandi

5 Cara Tampil Fresh Walau Belum Mandi
5. Turban head band
Tidak sempat menata rambut? Biar fesyen yang angkat bicara. Kenakan turban head band di sekeliling kepala untuk memastikan tampilan tetap gaya dan fresh.

4. Facial water spray
Dalam kondisi seperti ini, hidrasi yang cukup menjadi kunci. Semprot wajah dengan facial water spray untuk membuatnya tetap segar berseri sepanjang hari.

3. Dry shampoo
Jika rambut terlalu lepek dan berminyak karena Anda tidak sempat keramas, gunakan dry shampoo sebagai jalan keluarnya. Produk ini berfungsi untuk menyerap minyak dan membuatnya lebih fresh meski pun tidak dicuci.

2. Eye cream
Tidur terlambat dan bangun terburu-buru bisa membuat mata tampak sembap dan dihiasi lingkaran hitam. Usapkan eye cream untuk mengembalikan binar mata dan membuatnya lebih cemerlang.

1. Cleansing wipes
Gunakan tisu basah ini untuk membersihkan wajah dari sisa-sisa make up semalam, sebagai pengganti sabun dan air.

Demikianlah Artikel singkat dari saya mengenai 5 cara tampil segar walau Belum Mandi semoga dapat bermanfaat.

Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Mengapa Google Siap Tinggalkan Dot Com ?

Google Siap Tinggalkan Dot Com Google agaknya sudah mempunyai pesiapan yang matang untuk meninggalkan .com. Mereka mengajukan akhiran domain sendiri. Mungkinkah jadi akhiran .google Memang, belum ada kepasti domain apa yang akan digunakan oleh Google. Namun, Google sudah mendaftarkan beberapa domain alternatif ke Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers atau disingkal ICANN, Spekulasinya, nama domain itu akan diambil dari layanan teratas seperti dot google Menjadi .google, dotyoutube menjadi ".youtube", ataupun dot gplus .gplus. Domain-domain ini akan digunakan oleh Google untuk menggantikan dot com .com yang selama ini mereka gunakan.

Mengapa Google Siap Tinggalkan Dot Com ?

Mengapa Google Siap Tinggalkan Dot Com ?

Google Siap Tinggalkan Dot Com

Meskipun demikian, bukan berarti situs dot com .com Google akan hilang. Ini hanya berarti Google akan memiliki domain sendiri.
"Kami berencana untuk mengajukan top level domains (TLDs) untuk merek dagang Google. Saat ini kami sedang menjajaki peluang untuk mengajukan permohonan baru," ujar juru bicara Google."

Apa yang dilakukan Google ini sesuai dengan program Generic TLD dari ICANN. Generic TLD dikenal juga dengan dot Anything, memungkinkan pemegang modal besar untuk memiliki akhiran sendiri pengganti ".com".

New domain suffixes will soon be commonplace, for example dot-google, dot-msn and so on; they will replace the popular dot-com. This is because ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) has approved new types of Internet address names and this is the most exciting Internet development in about a quarter century.

Only 22 gTLDs or generic top-level domain names exist at the moment, however, this number will now shoot up as companies and organizations vie to acquire their own, customized gTLDs. Although, this won’t come cheap, each website domain suffix will cost 185,000 dollars and will be in any language of your choice. Your imagination will really be the limit here!Provided by YC/ATC-TCL.com

ICANN menetapkan deadline hingga 12 April 2012 untuk pengajuannya. ICANN juga memberi perpanjangan waktu hingga 20 April 2012 untuk hal ini.
refensi Berita Google Siap Tinggalkan Dot Com ---> kompas

Kumpulan Sms Romantis Ucapan Ulang Tahun

Kumpulan Sms Romantis Ucapan Ulang Tahun Terbaru Setiap pasangan hidup sangat berharap mendapatkan ucapan selamat ulang tahun dari kekasih, karena Ucapan itulah yang selalu kita nantikan disaat kita berulang tahun, ucapan selamat ulang tahun untuk kekasih sangat pentinglah untuk kita ucapkan agar pasangan kita sangat bahagia di hari sepecialnya, sama pentingnya dengan puisi romantis untuk wanita idaman kamu.

Ucapan selamat ulang tahun untuk kekasih Adalah sebuah kado yang sangat spesial untuk pasangan kita. Jadi walaupun kita tidak punya kado kata-kata itu sudah mewakilinya. Jadi jangan remehkan ucapan selamat ulang tahun untuk kekasih kita, berikut ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun untuk kekasih, teman, ataupun sahabat :

SMS dan Ucapan selamat ultah Romantis

SMS dan Ucapan selamat ultah Romantis

Kumpulan Sms Ucapan Ulang Tahun Romantis Untuk Pacar, Teman dan Sahabat

Mendengar lagu ikut bergoyang
Lagunya memang lagu gembira
Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang
Semoga engkau selalu bahagia

Beloved,today is the day when u’re born.the day that I thanks to God because u were born with those sweet smile, lovely face,and kindness heart.And I’m so happy today because u’re mine,and I will Love u with all my heart.Maybe I’m not so perfect because sometimes i make u cry, but all i can give is my trust,and my love for u.I’m yours.Happy Birthday my dear,wish u all the best in this world.

Special Buat Mantan kekasih

Saya baru inget kalau hari ini ultah kamu,dan aku tidak ada maksud apa-apa,berhubung karena lu pernah ada melengkapi hidup saya,aku mau ucapkan selamat ultah,semoga segala yangg terbaik terjadi kepadamu.hubungan cinta memang sudah berakhir,tapi aku berharap hubungan persahabatan tidak akan berakhir, saya tidak akan pernah dendam ataupun membenci,apa yg sudah terjadi itu memang harus terjadi,baik itu dari kamu maupun orang lain.sekali lagi MET ultah yach take care always

Selamat berulang hahun yach, semoga aku menjadi orang terakhir yang ngucapinnya karena aku ingin menjadi yang terakhir dan menjadi pendampingmu.

Mungkin hari hujan ketika kamu dilahirkan
namun sesungguhnya itu bukan hujan
itu adalah langit yang sedang besedih
Karena ia telah kehilangan bidadari kecilnya

Tahukah kamu perasaan yang mengembirakan ketika
Seseorang yang menyukaimu
Seseorang yang memikirkanmu
Seseorang yang membutuhkanmu
Tetapi akan lebih menyenangkan ketika kamu tahu
ada seseorang yang tak pernah lupa hari ulang tahunmu.
Met Ultah My Sweet heart for you

Bagaimana friends masih ada yang kurang gak ? nanti aku kan update lagi dan kalau ada koleksi sendiri silahkan tambahin di kotak komentar blog ini, sekedar info buat yang nyari kata bijak cinta bisa liat – liat di sana ya. semoga dalam waktu dekat ini SMS ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun ini bisa saya Update lagi Kumpulan Sms Romantis Ucapan Ulang Tahun terbaru tuk pengunjung setia blog hasbihtc.
Baca Juga : Kartu Selamat Ulang Tahun

Jumat, 13 April 2012

Teknik SEO Paling Teropuler saat ini

Artikel SOE hasbihtcblog Teknik SEO paling populer saat ini. Dalam belajar Teknik SEO kita memang harus dituntut untuk selalu sabar melakukan step by step teknik SEO untuk meningkatkan performa seo blog sobat. ada begitu banyak macam teknik SEO dengan segala kelebihan dan kekurangannya sudah banyak dibahas oleh para master SEO dari hal yang paling dasar sampai dengan teknik SEO canggih Coretan kali ini cuma sekedar menyampaikan dan berbagi hal termudah dalam meningkatkan kualitas dan Performa blog atau webblog. Semoga artikel ini bisa bermanfaat sobat blogger yang terdampar diblog Nebwie ini yang lagi pengen belajar dan belajar mengenai SEO. Dibawah ini adalah teknik SEO yang paling populer saat ini dalam meningkatkan trafik maupun rangking google dan alexa

Teknik SEO Paling Populer saat ini

Teknik SEO Paling Populer saat ini

Teknik SEO Paling Populer saat ini

Berikut Seo yang saya maksud pada pembahasan kali ini 5 Teknik SEO Paling Populer saat ini :

1. Membuat Judul SEO Friendly
Membuat judul SEO Friendly, Kayaknya masih banyak web/blog yang belum paham pentingnya membuat judul lebih SEO friendly. Teknik SEO ini sebenarnya juga menjadi bagian penting dalam mengoptimasi kata kunci sebuah blog, tapi kayaknya masih banyak yang belum menyadari.

2. Memasang Meta Tag
Memasang Meta Tag tujuan utamanya adalah agar blog mudah dibaca oleh mesin pencari semacam google. Meta tag bisa dipasang secara keseluruhan dalam deskripsi sebuah blog. Tapi juga bisa dipasang secara manual dalam setiap postingan kita, untuk info lengkap mengenai klik meta tag super lengkap

3. Teknik SEO On page dan Off page
Teknik SEO On page dan Off page. Untuk menjadi yang terbaik di search engine tidak cuma diperlukan teknik SEO On Page, tapi juga harus dibarengi dengan teknik SEO Off Page karena keduanya harus saling mendukung. Untuk mengetahui apa itu teknik SEO On Page dan Off Page bisa buka di SEOONOFF.

4. Teknik SEO Dummy Blog
Teknik SEO Dummy Blog juga termasuk point penting dalam optimasi blog agar blog bisa masuk dan punya peringkat bagus di mesin pencari. Untuk menggunakan teknik ini diperlukan kesabaran extra karena dummy blog juga harus mempunyai peringkat atau backlink bagus untuk mendukung blog utama bisa baca disini mengenai Apa itu dummy blog

5. Memasang Breadcrumb
Memasang breadcrumb penting bagi langkah-langkah teknik SEO. Breadcrumb adalah menu navigasi untuk pengunjung dalam pencarian artikel dan kembali lagi ke home page dengan mudah, Info lebih jelas mengeanai Breadcrumb

Masih banyak teknik SEO yang diterapkan oleh para master SEO, ini cuma sebagian kecil saja untuk sekedar berbagi informasi kepada sobat yang lagi belajar SEO, untuk mengikuti kontes Seo Terbaik Indonesia, seperti kontes SEO yang saya ikuti saat ini yaitu Oleh-oleh Makassar

Cara Promosi Blog dengan SEO | Tehnik SEO

SEO adalah suatu hal paling penting dalam sebuah blog atau website yang di bangun. Maka perlu untuk Memahami SEO di awal memulai membangun sebuah blog. Seorang webmaster ataupun blogger setelah memiliki ilmu dalam design dan pemahaman dalam proses pembuatan blog, hal berikutnya adalah mempromosikan dari produk yang mereka tawarkan dalam hal ini adalah blog atau website yang kita design dan ciptakan Maka Akan ->

Muncul Pertanyaan bagaimana pengguna internet dapat mengenal blog atau website yang kita miliki ?

Promosi blog web SEO , Tehnik SEO

Promosi blog web SEO

Promosi Blog dengan SEO Tehnik SEO

Secara singkat seperti memasarkan produk barang atau jasa pada dunia nyata, ada seorang marketing yang bertugas untuk memasarkan dan mempromosikan barang dan jasa yang di tawarkan. Kemampuan seorang marketing merupakan ujung tombak keberhasilan suatu produk tersebar luas dengan berbagai fungsi dan kegunaannya.

Di dalam dunia maya internet marketing online ini berhubungan dengan SEO atau dalam bahasa indonesia di artikan Optimasi Mesin Pencari atau mesin telusur. Mesin pencari atau search engine merupakan sasaran utama yang harus di jadikan tujuan dalam memperoleh trafik pengunjung, karena hampir pengguna internet di dunia ini mencari segala sesuatu acuannya adalah mesin pencari seperti google, yahoo dan search engine besar lainnya.

Promosi Blog dengan Tehnik SEO merupakan cara ampuh untuk memaksimalkan berkampanye Blog dengan cara yang di sukai mesin pencari, efek yang di harapkan adalah dalam jangka pendek dan jangka panjang terus meningkat trafik pengunjung seiring umur domain yang di registrasikan.

Lalu bagaimana cara Promosi Blog dengan SEO ?

Caranya sebenarnya cukup mudah tapi perlu usaha dan waktu, karena hal ini tidaklah instan. Bahkan pihak Google sendiri sebagai mesin pencari dari yang pernah saya baca di panduan resminya yang mengatakan bahwa tidak ada jaminan resmi untuk Optimasi Search Engine secara cepat dan tepat dengan keberhasilan mutlak 100% dan bergaransi.

Jadi yang bisa kita lakukan adalah pendekatan-pendekatan yang bisa membuat mesin pencari senang dengan yang kita tawarkan sehingga mesin pencari itu menilai kelayakan dari yang di tawarkan. Imbas bila mesin pencari ini sudah menyukai adalah dengan sering datang dan kecepatan dalam mengindeks setiap halaman dari blog dan menempatkan posisi SERP di halaman utama pada Search Engine.

Cara Promosi Blog dengan SEO dapat di lakukan dengan beberapa langkah sebagai berikut :

  1. Kenali terlebih dahulu internal blog yang ada miliki, dalam hal ini kenali fitur dan teknologi yang di miliki dari penggunaan CMS blog. Baik template maupun tempat yang baik untuk di jadikan hosting dengan server yang uptime terus.
  2. Optimasi lebih SEO Friendly pada template yang anda gunakan atau pada CMS yang di gunakan, bisa dengan merubah dan menambah script pada pengguna blogspot seperti Meta Tag untuk Judul, Deskripsi dan Keyword. Bagi pengguna CMS WordPress gunakan seperlunya plugin SEO, pilih yang bisa membantu dalam meningkatkan mesin pencari untuk menelusuri halaman website atau blog.
  3. Isi Konten dengan hal yang menarik dan berkualitas, ini merupakan hal terpenting dari Promosi Blog. Konten yang berkualitas adalah yang memiliki keunikan kata-kata dan memiliki informasi yang tepat dan berguna atau sesuai dengan produk yang di tawarkan maupun di bahas, dan beri judul sesuai dengan konten yang di buat. Yoga Weblog berusaha untuk memberikan konten yang baik dan memberikan informasi yang berguna dalam setiap tulisan dan pembahasannya.
  4. Ketiga hal di atas merupakan beberapa bagian SEO OnPage yang merupakan nilai minimal untuk di terapkan pada Blog, setelah itu yang perlu di lakukan adalah Promosi dengan lingkungan luar dalam hal ini adalah memperkenalkan dengan penanaman backlink baik dari media iklan ataupun social bookmark dan komentar pada blog/website lain.
  5. Promosi Blog dengan menanamkan backlink dari luar ini sering di sebut sebagai SEO OffPage, pada promosi seperti ini yang perlu di perhatikan adalah mencari media promosi yang baik dan berkualitas.
  6. Promosi melalui blog walking dengan meninggalkan komentar adalah salah satu promosi secara gerilya, untuk lebih maksimal coba untuk promosi di situs social bookmark dimana banyak blogger yang terdaftar dan berkunjung ke media tersebut.
  7. Forum merupakan sasaran yang bisa di jadikan media promosi, karena di forum ini biasanya berbagai macam pengguna internet berkumpul dan membahas sesuatu.
  8. Banyak media lain yang bisa di jadikan alat Promosi untuk optimasi SEO, media ini akan di jadikan backlink dan akan meningkatkan rank blog yang kita miliki bila media tersebut memiliki reputasi yang baik di mata mesin pencari.

Masih banyak cara dan alternatif yang bisa di jadikan sebagai alat untuk Promosi Blog dengan SEO, miliki ilmu SEO dan terapkan Teknik SEO secara tepat maka akan dapatkat trafik yang berlimpah terus menerus dan meningkat secara teratur.
Refensi : Promosi Blog dengan SEO

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Kamis, 12 April 2012

Tips Cara Mengobati Sakit Maag Secara Alami

Artikel by hasbihtcblog Tips Cara Mengobati Sakit Maag Secara Alami Arti kata Maag berasal dari bahasa Belanda yang artinya adalah lambung. Seseorang yang mengalami maag biasanya merasakan sakit dan tidak nyaman pada perut terutama pada bagian ulu hati. Gejala lain yang dirasakan adalah sendawa, perut kembung, mual, muntah, merasa penuh, atau merasa terbakar di perut bagian atas. Maag dapat muncul secara tiba-tiba dalam waktu yang singkat akut, waktu yang lama kronik, atau karena kondisi khusus seperti adanya penyakit lain. Salah satu contoh maag akut adalah rasa tidak nyaman ketika mengkonsumsi alkohol maupun asetosal.

Tips Cara Mengobati Sakit Maag Secara Alami

Cara Menghilangkan Sakit Maag Secara Alami

Cara Menghilangkan Sakit Maag Secara Alami

Penyakit maag yang juga disebut gastritis ini disebabkan oleh bermacam-macam hal. Munculnya penyakit maag sering dihubungkan dengan obat-obatan, kondisi medis, stress fisik, kebiasaan hidup yang tidak sehat, zat kimia, serta infeksi. Obat seperti asetosal, anti inflamasi non steroidAINS seperti ibuprofen dan naproxen, serta suplementasi kalium umumnya menyebabkan gangguan lambung. Menelan zat kimia yang bersifat korosif seperti asam ataupun larutan yang bersifat basah, atau alkohol juga menyebabkan maag,memakan makanan bersantan dan pedas pun bisa menimbulkan atau menyebabkan maag. Bakteri penginfeksi penyebab maag yang paling umum adalah bakteri Helicobacter pylori, yang menyebabkan maag kronik.

Bagi anda yang membutuhkan informasinya, silahkan baca tips dari hasbihtcblog mencegah penyakit maag berikut ini
Ramuan Obat Maag Alami I
  1. Daun sembung tua 5 lembar
  2. Daun pegagan 25 lembar
  3. Kencur tua 5 biji
  4. Dlingo sepanjang 1 genggam

Cara meracik:
  • Cuci dan rebus semua bahan dengan 4 gelas air hingga tersisa sekitar 3 gelas. Angkat ramuan dan saring.

Aturan pakai:
  • Minum ramuan dengan dosis sebagai berikut,
  • Anak umur 9 s/d 12 tahun 3 kali sehari masing - masing 1/3 gelas.
  • Dewasa 3 kali sehari masing-masing 1/2 gelas

Ramuan Obat Maag Alami 2
  1. Daun jambu biji 5 lembar
  2. Pegagan 10 lembar
  3. Kencur 5 biji
  4. Ketumbar 11 biji
  5. Kayu Manis seperdua genggam jari tangan

Cara meramu:
  • Cuci bersih semua bahan, kemudian rebus bahan dengan 4 gelas air hingga tersisa sekitar 3 gelas. Angkat dan ditapis
Aturan pakai:
  • Minum ramuan setelah makan, dengan dosis sebagai berikut
  • Anak umur 9-12 tahun, 3 kali sehari, masing-masing 1/3 gelas.
  • Dewasa, 3 kali sehari, masing-masing 1/2 gelas

Untuk pengobatan, cukup pilih salah satu dari 2 resep obat sakit maag alami diatas. Biasanya, penyakit maag yang diderita akan segera sembuh. Namun demikian, jangan lupa untuk menjaga pola makan sehat supaya sakit maag tidak menyerang kembali.

Sekian Informasi dari hasbihtcblog mengenai cara alami mengobati penyakit mag Semoga dapat bermanfaat wassalam

Menaikkan Visitor Blog melalui Facebook

Menaikkan Visitor Blog melalui Facebook. Kita tidak bisa pungkiri bahwa kehadiran Facebook sangatlah penting untuk menaikkan rating atau pengunjung blog kita Facebook adalah salah satu situs jejaring sosial yang sangat populer sekarang ini Walau pada dasarnya facebook diciptakan untuk menjalin hubungan silaturahmi atau hubungan pershabatan didunia maya antara teman-teman yang sedang berjauhan maupun sebaliknya orang yang ada disamping anda

Kegunaan facebook pun bukan hanya sekedar upload status dan chating. Facebook sangatlah multi fungsi. Anda dan saya bisa memanfaatkan facebook untuk mempromosikan blog. Dengan demikian pengunjung pada blog kita akan semakin meningkat.

Menaikkan Visitor Blog melalui Facebook

Menaikkan Visitor Blog melalui Facebook

Menaikkan Visitor Blog melalui Facebook

Ingat satu hal, bahwa tujuan kita membuat blog adalah supaya orang baik teman, baru kenalan, bahkan siapa saja yang membaca atau melihat blog kita. Pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana caranya mempromosikan blog kita lewat facebook?

Adapun langkah-langkah yang harus kita lakukan Menaikkan Pengunjung Blog dengan Facebook adalah:
1. Upload status sobat pada Facebook dengan menyertakan link blog anda.
Ketika kita sudah membuat tulisan pada blog, usahakan salin linknya pada facebook anda. Gunakan bahasa yang membuat teman-teman di Facebook kawan tertarik dengan link yang anda salin tadi. Artinya adalah, link tersebut jangan asal salin, tapi sisipkanlah bahasa-bahasa yang menarik, misalnya : Selamat sore, Goog Nintg, atau Malam, Hari ini sangat indah, Ingin rasanya aku melengkapi hidupmu dengan ..... masukkanlah link blog anda Usahakanlah sipembaca status nyaman dengan link anda.

2. Gunakan Halaman pada facebook.
Salah satu fasilitas facebook adalah halaman kesukaan bukanlah situs permusuhan! Halaman ini biasa berhungan erat dengan suka atau tidak suka like or dislike. Buatlah sebuah halaman yang menurut anda menarik untuk disukai orang. Semakin banyak yang menyukai halaman yang anda buat, kemungkinan besar untuk melihat blog anda akan semakin besar pula. Karena anda sendiri yang mengontrol halaman itu. Setiap dinding pada halaman anda usahakan salin link blog anda. Mengenai membuat Halaman akan dibahas selanjutnya

3. Bergabunglah dengan Group-group Komunitas tertentu pada Facebook
Group di facebook sangatlah bervariasi. Group atau kelompok berbeda-beda tujuannya tergantung yang empunya kelompok. Ketika ada kelompok blogger usahakan ikut bergabung. Karena anda bisa mempromosikan blog anda pada komunitas itu, dan disamping itu anda pun akan mendapatkan masukan-masukan baik berupa saran maupun ilmu-ilmu tambahan yang belum anda ketahui. Apabila anda bergabung dengan kelompok yang berbeda, selalu ramah pada anggota kelompok tersebut, dan usahakan selalu ijin apabila anda mau mempromosikan blog anda. Kalao boleh nih, berbasa-basilah sedikit.

4. Beriklan di facebook
Ini alternatif terakhir. Anda punya keinginan berpromosi pada facebook dengan menggunakan iklan silahkan. Tapi ingat, iklan pada facebook akan dikenai biaya. Hal-hal mengenai biaya iklan itu sesuai dengan kesepakan anda dengan pihak facebook. Keuntungan yang anda dapatkan, alamat blog anda bisa dilihat orang lain diluar teman-teman facebook anda.

Oh yach tips ini pun cocok Menaikkan Visitor Blog melalui Twitter
Oke sobat blogging hasbihtcblog, demikian dulu tips dari blog ini mengenai Menaikkan Pengunjung Blog dengan Facebook. Semoga anda mendapatkan sesuatu hal dari tulisan blog ini. Ingat satulah, manfaatkan fasilitas facebook yang gratis Selamat Mencoba Salam Blogger Nebwie.

Sony Reader Unlikely to Be Affected by Upcoming Job Cuts

There’s scary news in the gadget world today as Sony announces plans to cut 10 thousand workers, or about 6% of its global workforce. Nikkei broke the story last night, and the IBTimes elaborated on the story.Sony will reportedly sell off its chemical products division and cut about 3,000 workers. The Tokyo-based company also looks to make cuts within its small and midsize LCD operations in

eBooks Made Up 12% of ISBNs Registered in the US in 2011

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eBooks Made Up 12% of ISBNs Registered in the US in 2011

Late last week Amazon announced for the US and world market. Neat story, and I followed it up that with a short post about the 25% of Spanish ISBNs that went to ebooks in March.I promised at the time that I would try to get some figures for the US market. I thought it would be good to give the Spanish numbers some context, but it took my friend’s contact at Bowker until Monday to get the

The Battleship Fuso 扶桑 (Anatomy of the Ship) (Repost)

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Acts of God and Man: Ruminations on Risk and Insurance

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Seeing Complexity in Public Education: Problems, Possibilities, and Success for All

Donald J. Peurach, "Seeing Complexity in Public Education: Problems, Possibilities, and Success for All" English | ISBN: 0199736537 | 2011 | 320 pages | PDF | 1,4 MB

Branded Beauty: How Marketing Changed the Way We Look

Mark Tungate, "Branded Beauty: How Marketing Changed the Way We Look" ISBN: 0749461810 | 2011 | PDF | 288 pages | 1,6 MB

Silenced: How Apostasy and Blasphemy Codes are Choking Freedom Worldwide

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Skeletal Development of the Hand and Wrist: A Radiographic Atlas and Digital Bone Age Companion

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Stanford Hospital, Lane Hospital, Stanford University School of Medicine, Lane Medical Library

Stanford Hospital, Lane Hospital, Stanford University School of Medicine, Lane Medical Library Image by The original of this image is part of the Stanford University Medical Center Records (MSS 101) at the Stanford Medical History Center. For more information, please contact us.

Sexual Abuse: What Finally Made It Ok To Tell

Lauren Book grew up in what looked like a stable upper class home. But over six years, Lauren was sexually and physically abused by the family's female nanny. Her memoir It's OK to Tell challenges commonly held ideas about sexual abuse, and she speaks with host Michel Martin. (Advisory: This segment may not be suitable for all audiences.)     » Add to Del.icio.us

Sprung rhythm

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Before Admin Assistants, There Were Secretaries

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Review: These Dreams Of You

Although it starts out as a seemingly conventional novel, These Dreams of You by Steve Erickson gradually becomes experimental fiction as the plot turns on a series of improbable coincidences. Alan Cheuse, who teaches writing at George Mason University, has a review.     » Add to Del.icio.us

What the Report on Perus OLPC Program Really Means

A report has been released this week which took a look at Peru’s OLPC project. This project has little to do with ebooks, but the educational, sociological, and technological aspects are fascinating.The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) commissioned a study (PDF) last fall which gathered info on 2 groups of schools in Peru, those with and without the new XO laptops. The researchers

Bestill My Beating Heart – Sourcebooks to Launch Romance eBook Club

In the next few days Sourcebooks, an Ill. based publisher,  is going to be launching a new subscription based ebook club.  The club is going to be called Discover  a New Love, and it’s going to offer members the ability to ebooks and converse with the authors.The WSJ is reporting that the club will launch tomorrow (the site is live now), and I have to say that it looks like a very good deal

Bestill My Beating Heart – Sourcebooks to Launch Romance eBook Club

In the next few days Sourcebooks, an Ill. based publisher,  is going to be launching a new subscription based ebook club.  The club is going to be called Discover  a New Love, and it’s going to offer members the ability to ebooks and converse with the authors.The WSJ is reporting that the club will launch tomorrow (the site is live now), and I have to say that it looks like a very good deal

Sony Reader Unlikely to Be Affected by Upcoming Job Cuts

There’s scary news in the gadget world today as Sony announces plans to cut 10 thousand workers, or about 6% of its global workforce. Nikkei broke the story last night, and the IBTimes elaborated on the story.Sony will reportedly sell off its chemical products division and cut about 3,000 workers. The Tokyo-based company also looks to make cuts within its small and midsize LCD operations in

Berita Terbaru Gempa Bumi Aceh 8.5 SR 11 April 2012

Gempa Bumi Aceh 8.5 SR 11 April 2012 Hari ini, 11 April 2012 pukul 15:38:29 WIB, telah terjadi gempa yang mengguncang Aceh dan dirasakan hingga kota Medan, dan beberapa daerah lain yang berada di Sumatera Utara seperti benkulu dan Padang Gempa Aceh serta munculnya gempa susulan yang berkekuatan antara 8.5 – 8,9 SR ini membuat warga sekitar menjadi panik dan berhamburan ketakutan, menurut informasi yang didapatkan, warga yang lokasi keberadaannya dekat dengan pantai Bireun langsung berlarian menjauh dari pantai. Karena menurut BMKG, gempa yang berpusat di dekat pulau Sumatera dan berada di tengah laut tepatnya di 2.40 LU – 92.99 BT di kabupaten Simeulue di NAD dengan kedalaman lebih kurang 10 KM ini berpontensi Tsunami.

Gempa Bumi Aceh 8.5 SR 11 April 2012

Gempa Bumi Aceh 8.5 SR 11 April 2012

Gempa Bumi Aceh 8.5 SR 11 April 2012

Berita Terbaru Gempa Bumi Aceh 8.5 SR 11 April 2012

Saat ini dibeberapa daerah di Aceh dan Sumatera Utara harus melalui waktu tanpa listrik, karena pembangkit listrik di wilayah tersebut mati otomatis setelah terkena guncangan gempa yang terlalu kuat.

Warga berhamburan untuk menyelamatkan diri dari ancaman tsunami setelah gempa 8.5 SR, ada yang menuju perbukitan. Sementara itu sewaktu gempa terjadi, para pengunjung Swiss-Belhotel Medan berhamburan ke luar, karena guncangan terasa kuat dan menerus.

BMKG menyatakan Aceh, Sumatra Utara dan Sumatra Barat berstatus awas, untuk itu warga diharapkan untuk waspada.

Mungkin ini dulu informasi yang bisa disampaikan karena AprieBN belum mendapatkan info secara lengkap, Informasi Gempa Bumi Aceh 8.5 SR 11 April 2012 masih akan terus diupdate perkembangannya.

Semoga saudara-saudara kita di Aceh dan Sumatera Utara diberikan keselamatan dan ketabahan untuk menghadapi cobaan ini.

Sekian ulasan dari saya mengenai Gempa Bumi Aceh 8.5 SR 11 April 2012.

Berikut sedikit tampilan Video Gempa Bumi Aceh 8.5 SR 11 April 2012
Untuk Video Amatir Gempa Aceh 11 April 2012 blm bisa dishare

5 Langkah dasar Mendapatkan uang dari Internet

5 Langkah dasar menghasilkan uang dari Internet Menghasilkan uang dari bisnis online menjadi impian hampir semua blogger atau bahkan semua orang. Kebebasan dalam memilih tempat dimana kita bisa bekerja, pemasukan yang tak terbatas dan otomatis menjadi daya tarik yang tak dapat dihindari oleh semua orang tentunya. Tetapi jelas itu tidak mudah dan tanpa kesulitan.

Apakah masalahnya? masalahnya adalah hampir tidak ada seorangpun yang benar benar mengajari atau membagi ilmunya tentang bagaimana mendapatkan penghasilan tinggi dari internet. Pada kenyataannya, kebanyakan mereka pada intinya adalah menginginkan uang dari Anda bukan?. Oleh karena itu saya akan coba sedikit memberikan pencerahan tentang bagaimana sebenarnya yang harus dilakukan ketika menginginkan penghasilan dari internet.

Langkah menghasilkan uang dari Internet

5 Langkah dasar menghasilkan uang dari Internet

5 Langkah dasar menghasilkan uang dari Internet

Mari kita lihat point point penting ketika ingin memulai make money online dan penghasilan tak terbatas. Apapun jenis dan macam bisnis online yang Anda coba jalankan, baik itu afiliasi, PPC, atau bahkan jualan ebook, perhatikan hal hal berikut ini:

1. Membuat website dan membeli domain

Saat ini, hampir bisa dikatakan tidaklah sulit lagi membuat website. Banyak tool tersedia di internet yang bisa digunakan dengan mudah oleh yang sangat pemula sekalipun. Satu hal penting yaitu : belilah domain sendiri. Banyak kelebihan dan manfaat yang didapat dari domain sendiri. Saat ini domain bukan hal yang mahal lagi, sekitar 7o s/d 90 ribuan sudah bisa mempunyai domain sendiri untuk 1 tahun. Website ini akan berfungsi sebagai blok bangunan bisnis online untuk niche Anda nantinya. Pengunjung yang datang ke website Anda adalah kesempatan sukses Anda dalam niche yang dipasarkan. Oleh karena itu hal penting yang ke 1 berikut ini menjadi hal penting selanjutnya.

2. Mengumpulkan nama dan alamat email list email

Daftar nama dan alamat email ini adalah ladang emas Anda. Semakin banyak daftar email dalam email list Anda, maka semakin luas pula ladang kesuksesan Anda. Penting untuk dicatat bagaimana cara mengumpulkan email ini adalah harus dengan cara yang benar. Bukan dengan mengumpulkan satu persatu dari tempat tempat dimana tertulis alamat email. Cara yang benar adalah Anda perlu untuk membuat sebuah form khusus penjaring email. Umumnya ini dilakukan dengan memasang Autoresponder pada website. Autoresponder terkenal seperti Aweber.com dan dari lokal juga sudah banyak bermunculan.

3. Membangun hubungan baik

Membangun hubungan yang baik dengan orang orang yang ada di list email mutlak diperlukan. Satu alasan pasti mengenai hal ini adalah: Orang yang sudah melakukan subscribe pada autoresponder Anda adalah hampir sebagian besar prospek Anda. Maka tidak ada alasan untuk tidak menghiraukan mereka. Bukankah secara teori mereka siap untuk mendengarkan setiap rekomendasi yang Anda berikan lewat kiriman email atau salesletter nantinya?.

4. Temukan niche

Menemukan niche pasar menjadi hal penting utama dalam memulai bisnis online dan make money online. Banyak orang gagal dan menyia nyaiakan waktu di depan komputer dan internet dalam kegiatan blogging mereka hanya karena mereka tidak mempunyai niche. Ini juga berguna nantinya untuk fokus pada satu topik blog atau website. Pernah dengan nasehat dari webmaster dunia yang mengatakan 'one site, one niche'?.

Konsen pada satu topik dalam satu website sering tidak dilakukan oleh kebanyakan blogger karena masih ada anggapan bahwa ngeblog itu untuk menuangkan apa saja yang ada di pikiran. Ok itu benar dan boleh sekali. Tapi jika ingin ngeblog yang menghasilkan uang, silahkan mulai konsentrasi pada satu niche saja, terlebih yang mencoba afiliasi, PPC sungguhan Google AdSense, Chitika Premium etc.
Secara singkat saja, rahasia menemukan niche adalah bagaimana menemukan sesuatu topik yang banyak dibutuhkan orang dan belum banyak tersedia. Temukan masalah kebanyakan orang dan berikan jawabannya. Itulah sedikit mengenai niche.

5. Mulai menghasilkan uang

Jika 4 point di atas sudah terlaksana dengan baik, disinilah saatnya menghasilkan uang melalui internet. Siapkan produk yang ingin dijual, tidak peduli itu produk nyata, produk afiliasi, jasa, informasi, ebook dan apapun yang jelas sesuai dengan niche Anda. Buatlah salesletter sebaik mungkin dan mulai gunakan autoresponder Anda dan segeralah hasilkan penjualan.

Apakah sering mendengan istilah 'autopilot'? Nah, bila Anda benar benar sukses menjalankan 5 point di atas, Anda akan benar benar menghasilkan uang dengan sendirinya atau sering kita dengan dengan istilah 'autopilot'.

Satu hal penting adalah mindset atau pola pikir. Tanamkan dalam pikiran bahwa kesuksesan membutuhkan kerja keras, pengorbanan waktu, investasi pikiran, duit dan kesabaran serta keuletan. Untuk mencapai kesuksesan bisnis online tentu juga diperlukan semua hal tersebut. Setiap satu dari kelima point di atas juga membutuhkan ilmu dan pengetahuan yang perlu dipelajari dengan serius jika ingin benar benar sukses.